Yoga Etiquette
1. Be on time or slightly early. It takes a few minutes to get set up and ready. Main door will be locked 10 minutes after class starts. If you are late and arrive after class starts, quietly slip into the back.
2. No shoes allowed in yoga room. Yoga is meant to be practiced barefoot and unless you are wearing special yoga socks that you will put on once in class, no socks or shoes are allowed.
3. Check your ego at the door. Yoga is not working out, it is working in. Don’t compare yourself to anyone else because it is an inward working process. You WILL get good physical activity.
4. Tell your teacher if you have any injuries. You are in charge of your body. While some poses may seem uncomfortable, they should not cause extreme pain.
5. Please silence all cell phones during class.
6. Be aware of your space. If the room gets crowded, please make room for others.
7. Minimize conversation. Please feel free to chat with your friends and neighbors before class starts or after class but not during class.
8. If you can’t stay for savasana, please leave beforehand so you don’t disturb anyone. But really, you should stay.